Thursday, 14 June 2012

The End and The Beginning

The night rather the time of day after midnight. awake. bored. music blaring. neighbors probably cursing, Can't sleep. Either the excitement of finally finishing my last exam of my engineering degree (hopefully) or the fact i have a whole life ahead of me which is not constrained within the walls of a classroom and exams. 

It seemed like only yesterday i walked into my not-so-famous college and met some really amazing people who have made it to taking a permanent spot in my volatile memory. A journey with easy ups and devastating lows but it was definitely a learning experience and i don't mean from the engineering books (foreign or local or own for that matter ;) )
Sitting today in my classroom for possibly the last time made me take a few minutes from my books just to look around and memorize each window of it and the scene outside,the board and the benches i scratched my names on. Ghosts of laughter( and yelling of my class )played in my head like some kind of sweet melody and brought out some scenes i thought i never had.
No longer being a student by the term is kinda hard to digest. I mean that's the only thing I've been doing for the last 18 years and a change to becoming the adult who shoulders responsibilities ,becoming a role model for the younger generation: That's just an insane thought. ( yeah i kinda went overboard with the role model thing, didn't i? :P )
The days of becoming a working guy seemed like a distant future and now that it's finally here, it's just an example that whatever we look to be in the far horizon, is inevitable and will eventually come.
We all seemed to be getting jobs right now. Most of my friends are already working and some of them are really enjoying it, fortunately. But then again, there are so many options out there ; just waiting  to be explored and this reminds me of the poem 'The Road Not Taken'- Robert Frost,
I, frankly believe people need to think about what they want to do right after their high school and if they hadn't had the chance then, after graduation maybe. Screw engineering. Anyone who's anyone is an engineer. Ever thought about being different? unique? 

Passion counts ,it can keep you doing what you wanna do as a profession forever ,I mean, I for one don't know how long certain people would last in a software job unless they actually enjoy the coding and the love for the monitor screen while feeling up the keyboard. Eventually, the stress ,the uninteresting  field and the work depression is a hard kick in the gut,guys. Careful what you get into.

 Anyways where was I? ah yes. Last day of college. No longer a student. But i remember a wise friend of mine who said you never stop being a Student in the University of Life. Yeah, student forever huh? :P Okay fine so,I'm being a little too philosophical; sue me.

It's a long 'vacation' ahead and i'd probably (hopefully) do something worthwhile.This is the end ,this is the beginning. Goodnight everyone 


1 comment:

  1. looks like you have given this a lot of thought... :) way to go dude... would love to hear what plans you have for your NOW pages...
